New Home in Brookline NH

It’s exciting to move into your new house.  The interior is all set and ready for your furnishings.  It’s easy to place things where you want them and then forget it.  When it comes to your new lawn, however, things are not that simple.  To flourish, a lawn needs care, attention and water.

Steps to Remember When Nurturing Your New Lawn

We use the word nurture for a reason.  A new lawn requires some patience and effort to ensure that it will grow and flourish.  When lawns are planted, the seeds are usually fertilized when it is sprayed down.  This seeding contains nutrients and fertilizers that are released over time when the lawn is carefully watered at regular intervals.

Watering Your New Lawn

Plan for watering your lawn as soon as you plant.  For newly seeded lawns, set sprinklers to mist the surface four times a day, beginning at 7AM and finishing at 7PM.  Keep the seedbed moist, but not overly saturated.  The ideal depth for dampness is 1-2 inches.  As the seedlings grow to a height of 2 inches, reduce the frequency but increase the depth of watering.  Look into getting timers that will automate the process of watering your lawn if you do not have an irrigation system.

Protect your New Lawn

Do not begin cutting your lawn until the grass has grown to a height of 3 to 4 inches.  If the weather is still hot during the day cut it high for the first few months to encourage moisture retention.  Mowing at this stage is intended to give your lawn an even appearance.   Mowing carefully will promote lateral spreading of the seedlings.

Other precautions to Help Your New Lawn

The new seeding areas are tender and need to be treated gingerly.  Keep your pets off the new lawn until it is established and growing well.  Avoid having lots of foot traffic over newly seeded lawns for at least 3 – 4 weeks after planting.  This will help the new roots to establish themselves and grow better.

Fertilizing a New Lawn

Do not fertilize a new lawn for at least 6 weeks.  After 6 weeks you can apply a light fertilizer of ½ pound nitrogen per 1,000 square feet.  Read the directions for application carefully and follow them.